Step 2: Cultivate your match prospects

The community match donor cycle is a simplified fundraising model to help you secure larger gifts to power up your NewsMatch campaign with additional match funds. The information and resources below are powered by the Annual Giving Guide included in INN's News Giving Roadmap.

In the  cultivation phase, you will deepen your relationship by learning more about your prospects and building a connection.

Key Steps

  • Learn their interests. What is their interest in your work? And what are their internal priorities and goals?
  • Evaluate where there is alignment. Where is the greatest alignment between your needs and their interests? What are you willing to offer in return for their matching gift? Which donors are better suited for a different offer?

What Your Newsroom Needs

  • Time to research your list of prospects
  • Coordination and time to schedule one or two exploratory calls with leading prospects
  • Ability to document what you learned and to transfer knowledge through the organization

Usually, the first one or two calls with a potential major supporter do not include an "ask." Instead, you're just working to learn more about their interest so you can so if it's a fit.

Related Resources

NewsMatch Templates & Tips

Check out our curated set of templates, examples, and topics to help you put the donor cycle into practice for NewsMatch.

  • NewsMatch one-pager template
  • Email language to cultivate donors
  • Articles to cite
  • And more!

View Resources

Questions to ask

People make philanthropic gifts for their own reasons and based on their own passions, and discovering these reasons and passions are key to building a stronger donor relationship. Here is a list of questions to consider when getting to know your donor.

Create a winning case for support

Prepare for your discussions with funders to establishing a strong case for support. This is typically presented in the form of a document that outlines your organization's mission, history, goals, and vision for the future.

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