Local Matches 101

Local (or community) matches are funds secured by and given directly to newsrooms to further bolster your year-end fundraising campaign.

Since 2022, the amount newsrooms have raised in local matches has exceeded the amount of match funding provided through the program. We believe focusing on this continued growth of community support through local matches will result in a higher share of funding coming from communities, reducing long term reliance on national philanthropic support and creating pathways to sustainable community funding for newsrooms.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a local (or community) match?

A community (or local) match refers to when a funder or group of funders match donations made to your organization between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 dollar for dollar. Simply put: Community matches are match funds secured by and given directly to newsrooms.

Why should I secure a local match?

Local matches can inspire more individual giving during your NewsMatch campaigns by increasing the overall matching goal or enabling your organization to “triple” donations made to your newsroom. 

This is also a great opportunity to engage potential major donors, funders and even small business to use their gifts to inspire individual donors to give. Major donors not only love to see this, but it can also open doors to relationships and support that can exist outside of NewsMatch season.

Who can provide a local match?

Community matches can be made by multiple funder types in your network, including major donors, local businesses, family foundations, or another funding source. The most prevelant type of support we see is from major donors.

When should I secure my local match?

Because these gifts tend to take longer to cultivate, we recommend starting the process much earlier in the year than you do planning your campaign. Matches can be secured at any time in calendar year 2025 to be applied to your NewsMatch 2025 campaign.

I've secured my local match - now what?

Once you’ve secured your match commitments, you’ll need to determine how to work them into your campaign.

Different strategies work for different newsrooms. Some use their matching funds to increase their overall match goal. Others offer “triple” matches throughout the campaign. Use the method you think will work best with your donors and don’t be afraid to experiment! For example, run a one-day-only triple match and see if that moves the needle with your individual donors.

I represent a national/global/single-subject outlet. Are these matches applicable to my organization?

Absolutely! The term “local match” is a bit of a misnomer; these are really just any matching funds you generate from your network of supporters.

What do I need to show NewsMatch I’ve secured local matching funds?

We don’t need to see anything preemptively, but ask that you provide one of the following forms of documentation during reporting in January:

  • Pledge form signed by donor (View Template)
  • Letter of intent from donor
  • Email confirmation from donor
  • A scanned check or receipt
  • A screenshot of a publicized acknowledgment that names the local match funder and their specific gift amount

Related Resources: