Webinar: Setting up your donor system and page (2021)

This webinar was recorded in preparation for a prior campaign year. As such, some of the information provided may be out of date.

Online donation platforms allow website visitors to donate to a cause or organization digitally. In this session, we'll run through best practices and things to look out for when setting yours up for a fundraising campaign.

In previous years, NewsMatch has provided GiveGab as a donor platform for newsrooms to use during their campaign. GiveGab itself is primarily designed for "Giving Days." Not ideal for long-term cultivation and sustainability. That’s why we are encouraging newsrooms to begin thinking through how to build and improve their own systems.

This webinar is a part of a suite of resources NewsMatch is providing to help you do just this. We will be launching technical consultation and web development services to adopt or improve your existing donor system and giving newsrooms more information on how to sign up during this session.

What we covered

  • NewsMatch’s plans to sunset GiveGab and shift our strategy to bolster newsroom discovery and make donations through your existing donor systems.
  • What you can do in the early stages to set up your system in a way that builds capacity for donor stewardship in the long term.

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Recorded Date

July 14, 2021

  • Courtney Hurtt at NewsMatch
  • Miranda Krapf, INN Tech Consultant
  • Christina Shih, SVP of Business Development at News Revenue Hub
Resources Mentioned