What happened to GiveGab and what should I do now?

The previous iteration of NewsMatch.org was built on GiveGab. As a Giving Day platform, GiveGab allowed participating newsrooms to accept and process one-time and recurring donations during the NewsMatch campaign.

In the past, newsrooms were required to create a GiveGab page to appear listed as part of the NewsMatch campaign. However, in response to feedback provided by newsrooms, INN discontinued the use of GiveGab to power NewsMatch.org and NewsForGood.org in early 2022. These websites were replaced with a public-facing discovery website (FindYourNews.org) which allows visitors to find and connect with INN’s entire network of member organizations.

FindYourNews.org does not process donations. Instead, your organization provides a URL that will redirect visitors to an existing donation page. INN members will also be able to encourage visitors to connect with them on social media or subscribe to a newsletter.

While individual newsrooms can still opt to utilize GiveGab as a donor processing tool, INN will direct future campaign promotions and press to a NewsMatch landing page on FindYourNews.org.

I relied on GiveGab as my primary donation platform. What should I do?

If you relied on GiveGab as your primary donation platform, there are a few things you should do to make sure that you are still able to accept donations.

  • Set up a new donor system. NewsMatch has created tools and resources to help you adopt a new donor platform. 
  • Or become a GiveGab client. You can also make a seamless transition by becoming a GiveGab client. INN has used GiveGab to manage giving days, but they also offer stand-alone donation tools to support individual organizations with a paid plan. Explore this opportunity on givegab.com.
  • Update your donate buttons and links. Once you have updated your donation platform, be sure to make sure the URL to your donation form is updated across your digital channels, including your website, newsletters, footers, and social media accounts.
  • List your new donor page in your INN member profile. You'll also want to list this new donation page URL on your INN member profile that will power your organization's search results on FindYourNews.org.

What happened to my organization's GiveGab page?

Well first, it’s important to know that there are two types of organization pages that may be live on GiveGab.

  1. Your organization's page that is attached to the NewsMatch.org and NewsForGood.org giving days
  2. Your organization's GiveGab page

The first kind is your organization’s profile that is linked to either NewsMatch.org or NetworkForGood.org. The URL to these organizational pages would either be live at  newsmatch.org/organizations/[Your-Organization-Name] or newsforgood.org/organizations/[Your-Organization-Name].

These URLs no longer exist.

The second is your organization’s GiveGab page. The URL to these organizational pages would either be live at  https://www.givegab.com/nonprofits/[Your-Organization-Name].

After February 18, 2022, these pages will remain active. 

What happened to my GiveGab user account?

Your individual user account will remain active in perpetuity. You are still able to log in to view past donations and manage recurring donations that are still active. You will also be able to use this account to join other Giving Days hosted by other organizations that are using GiveGab.

Visit givegab.com to log into your GiveGab user account.

How do I manage admin to access my organization's GiveGab account?

Please review the support articles listed here to manage user access to your organization’s GiveGab account.

What happened to the donor data now that GiveGab is shut down? And how do I access it?

Your newsroom historical donor data will remain in the GiveGab system. You may continue to log into your GiveGab account to review past donor including the date of gifts, gift amounts, and donor contact information.

You may also follow these instructions on GiveGab's support site to run a report to export this information as a CSV file.

What happened to my recurring gifts that were being processed through GiveGab?

Recurring gifts that were made on GiveGab will be uninterrupted and will continue to process beyond January 7, 2022 until the donor or your organization cancels the gift.

You may continue to log into the admin accounts linked to your organization to review and manage ongoing donations. You may also follow these instructions to run a report of your recurring donors.

How do I move my monthly or recurring donations onto a new donation platform?

Unfortunately, this will be a manual process. Newsrooms seeking to migrate recurring gifts on GiveGab to a new donor system will have to ask those donors to cancel their existing donations on GiveGab by following these instructions and renew on your new donor platform.

You may also send a request to customersuccess@givegab.com to cancel an existing recurring donation to save your donor a step once they have renewed their gift on your new donor platform.

If this process poses a particular challenge for you because you have a great number of recurring gifts being made on GiveGab, please contact hello@newsmatch.org.

I would like to continue using GiveGab to process donations after NewsMatch. What should I do?

You can also make a seamless transition by becoming a GiveGab client. INN has used GiveGab to manage giving days, but they also offer stand-alone donation tools to support individual organizations with a paid plan. 

Explore this opportunity on givegab.com.