Guide: Getting Ready for Index and NewsMatch Reporting (2023)

This webinar was recorded during a prior campaign year. Some of the information provided may be out of date.

NewsMatch is fully integrated into the INN Index, the annual survey INN members complete each year for a collective benefit. Survey data leads to more awareness, funding and support for nonprofit news, and better benchmarking data for members.

Learn how to prepare for this important survey, including survey asks, the reporting timeframe, and how to get your team ready. 

Topics we covered

  • Survey overview
  • INN Index deep dive
  • NewsMatch match cover sheet, documentation and reporting requirements


Can I close the survey and come back to it?

Yes, your responses are saved automatically as you complete the survey. You can close the survey at any time and your responses will be saved.

How do I access my survey if I close it?

Until the application is submitted, you can use the same link to access the survey again. Any responses you have already made will appear.

Can I share the survey with multiple team members?

Yes, you can share the survey link with other people in your organization to help complete the Index.

What if I need to make an edit to my Index after I've submitted it?

Reach out to to receive a new link to your survey; your previous responses will be recorded, but you can edit, add or delete them.

Related resources:

Recorded Date

October 23, 2023


Meta Stange (NewsMatch Program Manager, INN)

Maggie Cogar (Research Support, INN)

Sheryl Saturnino (Community Investments Manager, The Miami Foundation)